5 Rare Types of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer in men. The most common type of prostate cancer is adenocarcinomas, a type of prostate cancer that starts in the gland cells. The other different types of prostate cancer are rare. Here are all the different types of prostate cancer:
Sarcomas or prostate sarcomas are rare. They develop in the mesenchymal cells, which are muscle cells present in the prostate. Rhabdomyosarcoma is a type of prostate sarcoma which is found in children more often than men. Rhabdomyosarcomas are aggressive and can quickly make their way to other body parts. Leiomyosarcoma is a common type of sarcoma that is generally diagnosed in men who are 40 years old or older. In rare cases, this type of cancer is found in young men and children. Leiomyosarcoma can be aggressive. There are other types of sarcomas that are even rarer. They include neural tumors, granular cell tumors, haemangiomas, and chondromas.
Neuroendocrine prostate cancer
Neuroendocrine prostate cancers are one of the many different types of prostate cancer. These cancers begin developing at the neuroendocrine cells that are present in the prostate. The two common types of neuroendocrine prostate cancers are small cell prostate cancer and large cell prostate cancer. Other types of neuroendocrine prostate cancers exist, but they are rarer. Small cell prostate cancer can quickly spread, and they are often diagnosed when cancer has spread to other body parts. Large cell prostate cancer is aggressive, too, although experts haven’t yet figured out how it develops.
Basal cell prostate cancer
Basal cell prostate cancer is also known as basaloid carcinoma or adenoid cystic prostate cancer. This rare type of prostate cancer can lead to the narrowing of the urethra, which can make it difficult for you to urinate. This type of cancer is diagnosed when you have TURP or transurethral resection of the prostate, which is a surgical treatment option for urinary problems. Not much has been found about basal cell prostate cancer yet, but some studies state that this type of prostate cancer isn’t as aggressive as the other rare types. Experts suggest the basal cell prostate cancer can be more aggressive when compared to common prostate cancer.
Glandular prostate cancer
Glandular prostate cancer is one of the different types of prostate cancer. This cancer type develops in the glandular epithelial cells, which are found in the prostate’s lining. There are three types of glandular prostate cancer: ductal, mucinous, and signet ring prostate cancer. The ductal prostate cancer, also called ductal adenocarcinoma, grows near the urethra, which can cause problems with urination. Mucinous prostate cancer is also known as mucinous adenocarcinoma, and it is aggressive, although more research needs to be done on it. Signet cell prostate cancer or signet ring cell prostate cancer starts in the stomach or bladder then spreads to the prostate.
Transitional cell carcinomas
Transitional cell carcinomas or transitional cell prostate cancer is also called urothelial carcinoma. As the name suggests, this prostate cancer develops in the urethra. It may develop in the bladder, after which it spreads to the prostate. There are rare cases when it develops in the prostate. Transitional cell carcinomas cause narrowing of the urethra, which can lead to blood in the urine and difficulty in urinating normally. This type of cancer is generally diagnosed when you have TURP. The treatment option for this type of prostate cancer depends on how far cancer has spread and to which areas it has spread to.