7 Tips to Help Prevent Kidney Cancer
Kidney cancer cannot always be prevented, as not all causes of the disease are known. Some risk factors cannot be changed, but there are various ways to reduce the risk of developing kidney cancer by managing the risk factors that can be controlled. Here are seven simple tips to prevent kidney cancer:
- Eat healthy
Eating healthy foods is imperative and is one of the basic tips to prevent kidney cancer. One should add loads of fruits and vegetables to their diet, and whole grains are also recommended. One should also drink plenty of water, but drinking too much can have harmful effects on the body. Also, salty foods and foods rich in phosphorus should be avoided. - Focus on kidney care
One should take care of their kidneys properly to reduce the risk of developing kidney cancer, and regular checkups are necessary to ensure this. If the kidneys are not functioning normally, the doctor can guide a person on how to improve kidney functioning. Also, if the person has an underlying condition, managing it is important to lower the risk of kidney cancer. One should also avoid using NSAIDs for long and stay away from toxins. - Manage high blood pressure
Controlling high blood pressure is one of the effective tips to prevent kidney cancer, and regular blood pressure checks are necessary to ensure this. One can consult their doctor for advice on how to control high blood pressure, and people with hypertension will be prescribed medications. If one is not diagnosed with high blood pressure, they can make changes to their diet and exercise regimen by consulting a doctor. - Exercise regularly
Exercise is important for overall health, so one should get regular physical activity. How much exercise one need depends on their age, whether they have other health issues, and their overall health. One should aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, along with 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity every week. For a proper exercise plan, it’s best to speak to a doctor. - Maintain a healthy weight
One of the top tips to prevent kidney cancer is to maintain a healthy weight. If one is currently obese or overweight, they should change their eating habits and get regular physical activity to shed the extra pounds. Also, maintaining a healthy weight after losing the extra pounds is equally essential. One can consult their doctor for advice on drafting a meal plan and suitable exercise regimen. - Go for regular checkups
Regular general checkups from one’s primary physician are necessary to understand any risk of developing kidney cancer. A urinalysis can help diagnose blood in urine, which points to kidney cancer, and the doctor can perform additional tests to confirm the diagnosis. - Quit smoking
Among the most effective tips to prevent kidney cancer is to quit smoking. Several tobacco products are available in the market today, but the American Cancer Society says that there is no safe tobacco product.