8 Quit Smoking Tips to Reduce Cravings
Quitting cigarettes or other forms of tobacco can be tough. In the first few weeks, especially, you might experience intense cravings, headaches, irritability, anger, and tiredness. But as time goes by and the nicotine is out of your system, it will get easier to resist. These physical cravings vanish in a few days. However, the mental cravings for tobacco can last longer. They last as long as 15-20 minutes, and can easily be controlled by following some simple tips.
A few easy tips to resist tobacco cravings are given below:
Try Replacement Therapies
If the urge to smoke is too high, you can start off by using short-acting nicotine replacement therapies like nicotine nasal sprays, gum, lozenges, inhalers, etc. There are also long-acting nicotine patches that are available over-the-counter. Ask your doctor for medications to help you overcome the smoking habit.
Walk it Off
It might seem too cliched, but going for a walk is one of the best tips to resist tobacco cravings. Sitting in one place allows your emotions to get the better of you. Take a little walk while focusing on breathing deeply.
Remind Yourself Why You Quit
Whenever the tobacco cravings seem to overwhelm you, list out the benefits you have experienced since you quit. Say them out loud or write them down in a journal. Think about how much better you are feeling, how healthier you are, the money you are saving, and the loved ones you are shielding from second-hand smoke.
Distract Yourself
Keep handy a quick hobby or task with which you can distract yourself. How about working out a crossword puzzle? Or trying your hand at crochet or knitting? From reading to baking, keeping your hands and mind busy is one of the easiest tips to resist tobacco cravings.
Eat and Drink
Dehydration can sometimes trigger a sense of anxiety, which can, in turn, increase your urge to smoke. It is greatly recommended, therefore, to have a tall glass of water whenever the cravings hit. Furthermore, a drop in blood sugar levels can lead to tobacco cravings. So keep some healthy snacks like sunflower seeds, dried fruits, nuts, or carrots handy to eat.
Seek Help
It can be a friend or an online support group, get in touch with someone to help you through this distress. Sharing your thoughts with family or loved ones or reading the positive experiences of others struggling with the same issue can lift your spirits and distract from the tobacco cravings.
Practice Mindfulness and Breathing Techniques
Doing deep breathing exercises for even five minutes can significantly calm the body down and reduce stress and craving levels. You can do yoga, listen to calming music, get a massage, and practice visualization techniques to keep your mind at peace. Certain yoga exercises concentrate on controlling the pace of inhalations and exhalations, which is another excellent way to manage tobacco cravings.
Physical Exercise Always Helps
You need not hit the gym every time you want to light a cigarette. Any physical activity, such as climbing a flight of stairs, doing simple exercises like squats, push-ups, deep-knee bends, and jogging. can be beneficial in keeping the cravings away. Doing household chores like vacuuming or washing the dishes is great for keeping you distracted as well.