The Top Natural Treatments for Nasal Polyps
What are nasal polyps?
Nasal polyps refer to growths that happen inside the sinuses or nose; polyps are quite common and may be triggered by inflammation, allergies, and infections. While nasal polyps will probably not show any symptoms and are typically non-cancerous, there may be instances when they trigger symptoms like a runny nose, itching, breathing difficulty, etc. In such situations, it may help to see natural treatments for nasal polyps.
The treatments for nasal polyps are as follows:
- Cayenne pepper is hot pepper containing capsaicin, and this can clear blocked sinuses. Studies have shown that it is effective for clearing nasal passages, relieve inflammation, and boosting immunity. You can add this like any other spice to your meals; you can also make cayenne tea and sweeten this with herbs and honey.
- Steam inhalation can be one of the best natural treatments for nasal polyps. You can do steam inhalation in the shower or steam rooms or through humidifiers and by inhaling steam from water that has been boiled on the stove.
- Neti pot is used in nasal irrigation and helps to alleviate symptoms of polyps. It can also cure allergies or infections that cause polyps in the first place. In this procedure, you can use a small pot for running warm and distilled water or salt-water solutions through one’s nasal sinuses.
- Tea tree oil, an excellent essential oil, can cure itching or inflammation like an anti-microbial. This is why it is one of the most effective natural treatments for nasal polyps, as it can alleviate both polyps causes and symptoms.
- Chamomile tea flower was used for treating allergies always, and now you may create a diluted solution of water and chamomile to dab inside clogged nasal passages.
- Butterbur plant is acquired from Petasites, and research shows that it has many benefits for sinus-related problems like sinusitis, migraines, asthma, and headaches.
- Turmeric is a spice known for its curing and healing characteristics. So, turmeric may help to cure the irritation and inflammation of nasal airways.
- Eucalyptus oil from the Eucalyptus plant has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and decongestant properties. However, many people are known to be allergic to this oil, and you should check this first before you use it for treating nasal polyps naturally.
- Garlic offers many health benefits like immunity boosting, reducing inflammation, fighting infections, etc. You can use garlic liberally in your meals.
- Ginger, like garlic, can be a useful herb to treat nasal polyps; even ginger has anti-microbial properties and can enhance immunity. You may add the ginger root and powder to your meals or have ginger in tea.
- Apple cider vinegar is best inhaled when you want to use it for the natural treatment of nasal polyps. About 10 ml of apple cider vinegar must be diluted in warm water and inhaled during the day. It will help to wash away bacteria or infections and relieve congestion.
- Castor oil is another effective remedy for treating nasal polyps. You can use this if you wish to avoid surgery. It would help if you took in a couple of teaspoons of this oil daily basis to reduce risks of polyp occurrence. You should ingest it orally, and it will eliminate moisture inside the polyps and dry it. When it is dehydrated, it becomes smaller in size. Castor oil can also boost immunity, and destroy the fungus and bacteria causing polyps.