9 Diet Tips to Help Manage Leukemia

9 Diet Tips to Help Manage Leukemia

Leukemia can be managed better by making healthy dietary choices. One can ensure physical and mental health by eating certain foods and following some dietary tips to manage the condition. Here are some diet tips for leukemia patients that can help them fight the disease in the right way: Eat fresh fruits and vegetables One should aim to include loads of fruits and vegetables in their daily diet, as they are effective in fighting leukemia. If an individual finds it difficult to have fruits and vegetables on their own, they can add them to their favorite foods like add fruits to frozen yogurt and make vegetable smoothies. Drink water Drinking water is one of the diet tips for leukemia patients, as the treatment for the condition causes dehydration. One should drink water regularly, and sipping on some water every half an hour can help them stay hydrated throughout the day. One can ask their doctor how much water they should drink daily. Opt for whole-grain foods Diet is an important part of recovery and healing for people with leukemia, and whole grains are a healthy choice. Whether opting for rice or bread, one should always choose the whole-grain variety. One can also opt for ancient grains, as they are good for health.
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7 Tips to Help Prevent Kidney Cancer

7 Tips to Help Prevent Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer cannot always be prevented, as not all causes of the disease are known. Some risk factors cannot be changed, but there are various ways to reduce the risk of developing kidney cancer by managing the risk factors that can be controlled. Here are seven simple tips to prevent kidney cancer: Eat healthy Eating healthy foods is imperative and is one of the basic tips to prevent kidney cancer. One should add loads of fruits and vegetables to their diet, and whole grains are also recommended. One should also drink plenty of water, but drinking too much can have harmful effects on the body. Also, salty foods and foods rich in phosphorus should be avoided. Focus on kidney care One should take care of their kidneys properly to reduce the risk of developing kidney cancer, and regular checkups are necessary to ensure this. If the kidneys are not functioning normally, the doctor can guide a person on how to improve kidney functioning. Also, if the person has an underlying condition, managing it is important to lower the risk of kidney cancer. One should also avoid using NSAIDs for long and stay away from toxins. Manage high blood pressure Controlling high blood pressure is one of the effective tips to prevent kidney cancer, and regular blood pressure checks are necessary to ensure this.
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7 Tips to Help Manage UTI

7 Tips to Help Manage UTI

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of the urinary tract or bladder that can cause urinary problems. Apart from medications, there are some to manage UTI effectively. The article explains seven different tips to help manage UTI. Drink water One of the simple tips to help manage UTI is drinking plenty of water. Drinking water helps in keeping hydrated. It dilutes the urine and helps remove bacteria and other toxins easily. It is recommended to drink 8 to 12 glasses of water or fluids every day. Coffee, tea, sodas, and sweet beverages do not count here. Water or fruit juices count toward fluid consumption. Use the loo when needed When having UTI, it is important to urinate as needed. Holding back urine can aggravate symptoms. It is important to urinate frequently to clear out bacteria from the urinary tract and bladder. Holding back urine allows bacteria to stick to the urinary tract. Drink cranberry juice One of the effective and tested home remedies to treat UTI is drinking cranberry juice. While there are no conclusive studies, most people benefit from drinking cranberry juice. It is believed that the polyphenols in cranberry juice have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help in treating UTI.
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Symptoms and Treatment Options for Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Symptoms and Treatment Options for Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Drug abuse and alcohol abuse lead to addiction. This can make a person so much dependent on drugs and alcohol that withdrawal becomes difficult. The more the abuse, the higher are the health risks. It is crucial to understand more about alcohol and substance abuse. The article explains the different types of alcohol and substance abuse and the symptoms caused. Alcohol abuse One of the different types of alcohol and substance abuse is alcohol use disorder. This is a problem where a person abuses alcohol and is addicted to it. Heavy drinking and binge drinking are common signs of alcohol abuse. It is estimated that nearly one in every twelve adults in America suffers from alcohol abuse. Drinking more than fourteen drinks a week for men or seven drinks a week for women is considered heavy drinking, leading to abuse. Some of the symptoms of alcohol abuse are as follows: Mood swings and feeling irritable. The compulsion to drink alcohol Not doing routine work due to drinking and it’s after-effects. Blackouts or memory loss for some time. Social isolation. Medicine abuse One of the dangerous forms of substance abuse is an addiction to medicines, which may be over-the-counter medicine or prescription medicines.
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The Top Natural Treatments for Nasal Polyps

The Top Natural Treatments for Nasal Polyps

What are nasal polyps? Nasal polyps refer to growths that happen inside the sinuses or nose; polyps are quite common and may be triggered by inflammation, allergies, and infections. While nasal polyps will probably not show any symptoms and are typically non-cancerous, there may be instances when they trigger symptoms like a runny nose, itching, breathing difficulty, etc. In such situations, it may help to see natural treatments for nasal polyps. The treatments for nasal polyps are as follows: Cayenne pepper is hot pepper containing capsaicin, and this can clear blocked sinuses. Studies have shown that it is effective for clearing nasal passages, relieve inflammation, and boosting immunity. You can add this like any other spice to your meals; you can also make cayenne tea and sweeten this with herbs and honey. Steam inhalation can be one of the best natural treatments for nasal polyps. You can do steam inhalation in the shower or steam rooms or through humidifiers and by inhaling steam from water that has been boiled on the stove. Neti pot is used in nasal irrigation and helps to alleviate symptoms of polyps. It can also cure allergies or infections that cause polyps in the first place.
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Warning Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Warning Signs and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Can cervical cancer be treated? This is the central question uppermost in the minds of women who have been diagnosed with this condition or are liable to get it. If you are at risk of getting cervical cancer, it may be good to know the disease’s warning signs. The truth is that when cervical cancer is detected early, it can be cured. So, besides the Pap test done for screening, one should look out for some common warning signs of cervical cancer. If one notices these signs, one should get in touch with her doctor at once. The warning signs are as follows: Usually, the symptoms are not alarming per se because they can be related to infections that are not as serious as cancer, but need to be treated right away. Perhaps the most alarming sign of cervical sign is unusual vaginal discharge or bleeding. This sign is seen as something potentially serious by most women. Burning sensations and itching in the vaginal region Unexplained fatigue/loss of appetite and weight loss Urgent and frequent urination Abdominal bloating Bleeding post-intercourse Bleeding in between menstrual cycles Bleeding after douching Bleeding after any pelvic exam Heavier and lengthy menstrual cycles Pain during intercourse-This often happens because the tumor has grown throughout the reproductive organs.
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Male Versus Female Birth Control Options

Male Versus Female Birth Control Options

Different male and female birth control options refer to different devices, sexual practices, agents, and surgical procedures that can prevent conception. These are important because a couple should have the power to decide whether or not to have a child. While there are different male and female birth control options, they are not all equally reliable. Some are more effective than others; moreover, using a method will also impact its effectiveness in serving its purpose. Listed below are birth control options you should know about : The male condom works best for birth control because it forms a barrier and successfully prevents the sperm from reaching the eggs through the woman’s vagina. Vasectomy is a surgery that is done for making a man sterile; the tubes via which the sperms pass are either blocked or cut. This is why vasectomy is almost 99% effective for men. Outercourse refers to foreplay, where there is no penetration and may include kissing, masturbation, oral sex, etc. Withdrawal or pulling out is a technique that many men use for birth control. This is when the penis is drawn out before ejaculation; however, its effectiveness in preventing conception is debatable. Polyurethane is used to make female condoms.
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5 Rare Types of Spinal Muscle Atrophy

5 Rare Types of Spinal Muscle Atrophy

Spinal muscle atrophy is a genetic disorder characterized by the wasting or weakness of the muscles used for mobility. It is caused by the loss of motor neurons (nerve cells that aid in the control of muscle movement). This occurs more in proximal muscles than in distal muscles.  Here are some of the rare types of spinal muscle atrophy: Distal hereditary motor neuropathy type 5 Distal hereditary motor neuropathy type 5 is a type of spinal muscular atrophy that is very rare. It is a progressive disorder that destroys the nerve cells in the spinal cord. This results in the weakness of muscles that aid in the movement of your hands and feet. It usually originates during adolescence but can occur at any age. The most common symptom and one of the first to show up is the cramps in hand due to cold temperatures. Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy  Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy, commonly known as Kennedy disease, is a disorder of motor neurons. This condition mainly affects males and is characterized by the wasting of muscles that progresses over time. Muscles that weaken and waste in the legs and arms can result in cramps and poor balance.
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Essential Superfoods for Managing Arthritis

Essential Superfoods for Managing Arthritis

Arthritis is the inflammation and tenderness of one or more joints in your body. It can cause pain and stiffness, which progress with age. The most common types are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. There are different causes for the various types of arthritis, but the most common reasons are wear and tear of the joints, underlying diseases that attack the bones and joints, and infections. You may experience severe pain, stiffness, and inability to move your joint as much as before. It is an extremely common condition and can be managed and controlled by certain types of treatments. Although it cannot fully cure arthritis, there are certain foods you can eat to control it and ease the pain. Here are some food options that you can include in your quick meal ideas for managing arthritis: Fatty fish Fish varieties rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, etc., are known to reduce inflammation. This fish group is especially great for osteoarthritis. Fish are also packed with vitamin D, which can help prevent deficiency, and in doing so, it can improve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Two servings of fish are recommended per day. Garlic Apart from a million other health benefits that garlic offers to the human body, it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with managing arthritis.
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Main Symptoms and Risk Factors of Sleep Apnea

Main Symptoms and Risk Factors of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder in which the process of respiration continuously pauses and resumes. It can potentially lead to life-threatening situations and is more common in men. Increased age and obesity are risk factors for this condition. This condition can be managed by making lifestyle changes and using a breathing device to sleep.  Here are some of the symptoms of sleep apnea: When you are sleeping, the following symptoms may show up if you are affected by sleep apnea. Snoring loudly and intensely Gasping for breath subconsciously Restlessness Insomnia Poor quality of sleep Waking up suddenly and frequently during the night Not feeling rested after waking up from a night’s sleep Chest pain at night Headaches past waking up Nocturia (waking up in the middle of the night to urinate) The symptoms that appear at night can significantly affect your behavior during the day. These symptoms include: Fatigue and sleepiness Headaches and extreme mood swings Trouble paying attention to a single thing and having a hard time concentrating on something Sexual dysfunction and lowered sex drive Poor memory Other sleep apnea signs and symptoms include: Anxiety and depression Confusion and irritability Daytime drowsiness Heartburn and irregular heartbeat Palpitations Silent pauses in respiration Sounds of choking and gasping Here are some risk factors of sleep apnea:  If you are overweight or obese, your weight could serve as a risk factor for sleep apnea.
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